
The Boxer Dogs site was started to bring awareness for the beautiful breed, and of course, we love them. The Boxer is an excellent addition to the family, almost always kind to humans, seldom aggressive towards other dogs, and playful but calm.

Here, we want to show readers how to recognise a pure-bred Boxer and where to find and communicate with the right breeders.

We will tell you what to do for dog shows, what are no-nos, and how to see if your dog has what it takes to wow the judges. You will know whether to go for a male or a female, be able to treat and recognise health problems, and be informed on how to feed your Boxer for the best health.

There is a dog handler that says that no dog has bad behaviour and that the owner is to blame if a dog acts less desirable. We want to give owners the guidance to make their dogs top performing dogs by dealing with their behavioural issues.

Read how to participate in competitions, what to take along, and how to give your dog the best care at these competitions. There is a lot of protocol at these types of events, but we will fill you in. Dogs can also experience emotional conflicts, and we can show you how to deal with it.

Let us tell you how animal psychics can help your dog with behaviour problems.

Boxer dogs are affectionate in a loving environment. But any dog who doesn’t get the right training can do things owners do not like. It is important, especially for new owners, to know what to do with a new puppy, how to train it, and how to make it a part of your happy home.